
 新聞資訊  |   2023-05-17 12:33  |  投稿人:pos機(jī)之家





point_right PoW - Proof of Work

point_right PoS - Proof of Stake

point_right PoA - Proof of Authority

point_right DPoS - Delegated Proof of Stake

point_right LPoS - Liquid Proof of Stake

point_right NPoS - Nominated Proof of Stake

point_right BFT - Byzantine Fault Tolerance

point_right dBFT - Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance

point_right pBFT - Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance

point_right iBFT - Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerance

point_right DeFi - Decentralized Finance

point_right DAPP - Decentralized Application

point_right ERC - Ethereum Request for Comments

point_right EIP - Ethereum Improvement Proposal

point_right EIPIP - EIP Improvement Proposal

point_right DAO - Decentralized Autonomous Organization

point_right EVM - Ethereum Virtual Machine

point_right WASM - Web Assembly

point_right VDF - Verifiable Delay Function

point_right SC - Smart Contract

point_right NFT - Non-Fungible Token

point_right BIP - Bitcoin Improvement Proposal

point_right SegWit - Segregated Witness

point_right SPV - Simple Payment Verification

point_right UTXO - Unspent Transaction Output

point_right LN - Lightning Network

point_right RSK - RootStock SC Platform

point_right MW - MimbleWimble

point_right RBF - Replace By Fee

point_right UAHF - User Activated Hard Fork

point_right UASF - User Activated Soft Fork

point_right SoV - Store of Value

point_right MoE - Medium of Exchange

point_right UoA - Unit of Account

point_right FIAT - Government-issued currency

point_right ETF - Exchange Traded Fund

point_right TA - Technical Analysis

point_right FA - Fundamental Analysis

point_right DCA - Dollar Cost Averaging

point_right OTC - Over the Counter

point_right CEX - Centralized Exchange

point_right DEX - Decentralized Exchange

point_right PnD - Pump and Dump

point_right ICO - Initial Coin Offering

point_right STO - Security Token Offering

point_right SAFT - Simple Agreement for Future Tokens

point_right ROI - Return on Investment

point_right SATS - Satoshis

point_right ATH/L - All Time High

point_right ATL - All Time Low

point_right MCAP - Market Capilization

point_right BB - Bollinger Bands

point_right MACD - Moving Average Convergence Divergence

point_right RSI - Relative Strength Index

point_right SMA - Simply Moving Average

point_right EMA - Exponential Moving Average

point_right CPU - Central Processing Unit

point_right GPU - Graphics Processing Unit

point_right ASIC - Application-Specific Integrated Circuit

point_right FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array

point_right HPS - Hashes Per Second

point_right HODL - Hold On For Dear Life / a misspelled word “hold”

point_right FOMO - Fear of Missing Out

point_right BTFD - Buy The Fucking Dip

point_right DYOR - Do Your Own Research

point_right FUD - Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt

point_right SFYL - Sorry For Your Loss

point_right BUIDL - A misspelling of the word “build”

point_right SAFU - Funds are safe!

point_right BP - Block Producer

point_right TXID - Transaction ID

point_right TPS - Transactions Per Second

point_right ZK - Zero Knowledge

point_right P2P - Peer to Peer

point_right ALT - Alternative Cryptocurrency

point_right HF - Hard Fork

point_right SF - Soft Fork

point_right WP / TWP - Whitepaper / technical whitepaper

point_right 2FA - Two Factor Authentication

point_right DoS - Denial of Service

point_right DDoS - Distributed Denial of Service

point_right IPFS - Interplanetary File System

point_right PKI - Public Key Infrastructure

point_right CT - Crypto Twitter

point_right NONCE - Number Only Once

point_right HW - Hardware Wallet

point_right MCD - Multi-collateral Dai

point_right CDP - Collateralized Debt Position

point_right EEA - Enterprise Ethereum Alliance

point_right HTLC - Hashed Timelock Contract

point_right VRF - Verfiable Random Function

point_right DAG - Directed Acyclic Graph




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